All About Me

Tina Haas, MSc
Psychotherapist (Integrative Therapy)
Certified Infant, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist
occupational therapist
Prevention officer of the association Kinderhilfswerk Linz (concept development and holding of lectures and workshops in schools) Topics: "Competent on the net" and "Cannabis - but not so harmless"Lecturers and lecturers (Sigmund Freud University, University of Education of the Diocese of Linz, VÖPP Academy, VPA Vienna, parents - child - center Leonding, lecturers for various communities and institutions)

What are the differences between traditional school bullying as we know it from the past and cyberbullying?
As a child/teenager, how should I behave if I notice that someone in my class or in my environment has become a victim of cyberbullying?
What can I do if I become a victim of cyberbullying myself as a child/adolescent and how and where can I get help?