All About Me

Michaela Fiona Birgeder has been a consciousness trainer and human energetics specialist for 31 years
Help for self-help, in courses and individual sessions - (also by phone & Skype)
She loves people:
To make you shine, hug and REMIND you of your:
"REST, HAPPINESS & POWER SOURCE", self-healing powers,
How to find peace of mind, inner peace and BASIC TRUST, let yourself be and happen.
Her strength is: Opening people's hearts to more COMPASSION and SENSITIVITY, thereby alleviating and liberating physical and mental pain.
Michaela Fiona explains: how important the "meeting point present" is in everyday life,
to return to the body I, to the peace of mind to the I AM
and to bring this sentence even deeper into consciousness,
"Energy always follows attention".

Restlessness, worry that often accompany you. Change this into peace of mind, inner peace and find your basic trust. Michaela explains what being conscious in the present means for your life.