All About Me

Short text: Liv Wach, awareness trainer & addiction teacher, loves and lives the game of life in all its facets, accompanies people to their full potential in order to awaken their uniqueness and truthfulness
The Addiction Teacher
Liv Wach - the rebellious addiction teacher turns the usual addiction therapy - which is characterized by fear and heaviness - upside down with fun, joy and love! It shows that addiction is learned and can therefore be unlearned again - and the whole thing is even playfully easy. She declares war on the will and inspires with absolutely open courage to get naked in order to get free from addiction. Her motto: "Nothing is impossible." has helped her out of her own addiction hell story and was the biggest game changer in her life. She teaches everyday spirituality down to earth - and backwards à la Momo.
Her soul mission: "Love in addiction - out of your addiction trap into self-love"
Author & congress organizer
Make yourself naked with courage,
to love your addiction - your search -
that you will become 100% love again,
so that you can live your full potential awakened, awakened and enlightened:
with ease, playfully and with joy!
Don't limit yourself!

Have you ever dealt with addiction in your life? Woke up! This is the motto of the awakener Liv Wach. She gives exciting insights into how you can leave your addictions behind with awareness training and get into self love.